A Little About The Counselors

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Hi! I’m Jessica, the stranger you’re thinking about trusting to help you through your struggles. Since talking to a stranger for the first time might be daunting enough, here’s a little information to get to know me:

  1. I like creating to-do lists and never looking at them again; I’ve realized having the list helps me store some of my thoughts until I need them again as I prioritize.

  2. As I was growing up I was told “It’s okay if you wait until the last minute because you work great under pressure! You’ll get it done!” Well, I knew I would accomplish the task, but I didn’t know that I was stuck in an anxiety loop of worry and procrastination. I’m glad I’ve learned now!

  3. I’ve found nature to be more relaxing and grounding than ever before. From a sunny day at the Outer Banks, swimming through waterfalls in Brevard, or sipping tea on my porch, I’m embracing more of what North Carolina has to offer for me and my mental health.

  4. One of my favorite things about being a counselor is the resiliency, compassion, and growth I see through my clients every single week.

Hi! I’m Anna.

1. I love growing things. There’s something about the hands-in-the-soil, elbow grease kind of work it takes to bring about new life. Gardening, house plants, tiny seedlings, all inspire me to keep growing myself. My plants also help me remember that I have to change and adapt to new seasons, and make changes to grow in new environments.

2. I work hard to make time to be outside a few minutes every day, even when the weather is not perfect. Fresh air and nature help me remember that I'm not alone in what I'm going through and help me to feel at peace. Walking outside at the park, on a hiking trail, sitting on my porch, being in the garden- they all help me destress.

3. To do lists and sticky notes keep me organized and on task. I find real satisfaction in crossing through even small tasks.

4. My favorite part of the work I get to do is watching my clients learn. They learn to adapt, to get organized, to relax, to process in healthier ways, to grieve, to heal, to thrive, to set goals and reach them, and so much more. I'm so proud of the work they do and bearing witness to that is the best part of my day.

Hi! I’m Raven and I believe finding the right-fit therapist is like finding a right-fit shoe; sometimes you have to try on several until you find the perfect-for-you one. We all have different personalities and techniques that we utilize in our practice, so I welcome you to get to know a little about me!

1. I love reading! As a child, reading helped me escape reality and allowed me to live vicariously through the characters in the story. As an adult, reading reminds me to remain open-minded and that the possibilities are endless.

2. I do not strive for perfection; I do my best. This is the mentality that I have carried for many years and it has greatly benefitted me. Moreover, this is all that I ask of for my clients as well; I do not expect them to be perfect, but, instead, to put their best effort forward.

3. I have always had a fascination with nature. Sometimes it can be hard to find time to enjoy nature with such a busy schedule. However, I make it my goal every week to take a nature walk at least once. I find these walks relaxing and it allows me the opportunity to unplug from social media and the world.

4. My favorite thing about being a therapist is being able to observe and help an individual as they progress through their healing journey. You do not always have to know the perfect things to say; the biggest part of the job is just showing up and being there for a person.

Let’s Talk!

We’d like to answer any questions you may have or help you get started with making steps toward change.